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The Woman Who Would Be King


"What Stacy Schiff did for Cleopatra, Kara Cooney has done for Hatshepsut.
An absolutely fantastic read about one of the most powerful Pharaoh-Queens in ancient Egypt.
Completely unputdownable!"

Michelle Moran, bestselling author of Nefertiti


"Cooney's detective work finally brings out the story of a great woman's reign." Kirkus Reviews

"Cooney tells her tale with authority, sensitivity and imagination. It is a tale that deserves to be told." —Joyce Tyldesley, author of Cleopatra: Last Queen of Egypt and Hatchepsut: The Female Pharaoh

"This biography of Hatshepsut is an ideal blend of historical analysis and an imaginative story . . . Cooney’s narrative flows as if it were a novel, but at the same time illuminates the historical, economic, social, and religious context of Hatshepsut’s world, and that of the people surrounding her.  The reader is given a glimpse into a vibrant ancient world—one that we oftentimes forget about in the midst of all the granite and mudbrick that remains today." Professor Kathleen Sheppard, author of The Life of Margaret Alice Murray: A Woman's Work in Archaeology

"Egyptologist Cooney peels back the layers of the life of Hatshepsut . . . providing a multidimensional portrait of a woman of strength, intelligence, and substance." Booklist

"The story of Hatshepsut, the woman who ruled Egypt as Pharaoh, is an amazing tale and Dr. Cooney tells it in a very personal way. Readers are going to love this version!" —Bob Brier, author of The Murder of Tutankhamen

"For the first time we have a full-length biography of her that is not only a great scholarly work but also a marvelous read." Amanda Foreman, Georgiana: Duchess of Devonshire and A World on Fire: Britain’s Crucial Role in the American Civil War

"From Hatshepsut’s self-perception, political prowess, and lifestyle emerge an image of the ‘ultimate working mother’ and a compelling insight into ancient gender roles." —Publishers Weekly

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Kara Cooney

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