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Out of Egypt


In 2008, Kara Cooney co-created and produced “Out of Egypt,” a miniseries that explores human practices in ancient Egypt and other early civilizations. From the ancient tombs of Egypt to churches in Western Europe and temples in Southeast Asia, “Out of Egypt” took viewers on a journey around the world, examining relationships between people, buildings, and the strange human behaviors that unite us all.

Along with her own expertise, Cooney interviewed experts and interacted with locals to give viewers various insights and perspectives in her study of human cultures. First aired in 2009 on the Discovery Channel, "Out of Egypt" attracted millions of viewers in the United States. The series is currently streaming on Amazon, and it is available for purchase on Amazon and Region 2 DVD.

Visit the Media page for exclusive clips from the series!

Kara Cooney, walking in a desert in Egypt while filming "Out of Egypt."